Monday, January 30, 2006

As the World Falls Down

Okay, so i'm sitting here waiting to buy tickets to Aerosmith instead of going to class. I think it's a good decision, my mother on the other hand isn't too impressed, but she understands my need for these tickets, making her all the more cool in my eyes.

To pass the time i was reading all the blogs of all the people i know and like, which is few i assure you. On top of this most people don't update as often as i'd like them to. Not to say i'm setting an example but still. Anyways, i was reading my big brothers blog, and have found that while the rest of the family is mentioned, i am not. Now, admittedly, i'm not as interesting as the other members of my family, what with Vickie's constant drama, Mom's jet-setting lifestyle, and Daddy's new boat....but still, you'd think i'd get a mention. Speaking of Daddy's new boat. That's right, my dad had a mid-life and bought a sailboat, something that he's always wanted and now he has - he rules. Also, i've been informed this requires me to take sailing lessons. I don't know whether or not to be excited about this. i mean, i like the water, but i sure as hell don't know what a jib is...this worries me.

On a completely different topic, i don't like school. And not in the 'i'd-rather-be-surfing' way, although i would rather be surfing (nevermind that i don't know how), but as in the 'i-don't-know-why-i'm-there' way. I mean, sure everyone knows what they want to be when they grow up right? Wrong. I sure as hell don't, and while people are trying to help and tell me what i'm good at, that's just discouraging.
Examples: A)Be a lawyer - Why? - Well you like to argue.
... sweet. Yes i do like to argue, but is that enough basis for a career in law? i didn't think so either.
B) Be an English major - Why?- you get good marks in that class....once again.....sweet. And despite what my dad says MOST people with an English degree end up teaching, let me point out how much i DO NOT want to teach at all, ever.
C) (my personal fave) Be a Nurse - Why? - Well....your moms a nurse, your sisters a nurse, everyone is a freakin' nurse....I DON"T LIKE PEOPLE. It's a widely known fact that people seem to laugh off, but it's true...and nursing is gross...and yeah...(insert jumping off bridge example here)

So therein lies my dilemma, and what do i want to do with my life? Live like the people on the Fabulous Life Of....without having to work to do so. So any tips on how to do let me know.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Ode to Me

Well, this is...yeah, better than the other journal i have, trust me. So i have decided that this new journal won't be an ode to stupidface. My other journal was, and it was all angsty and belonged in a Dawson's Creek episode. longer ode to stupidface, from now ode to me....or something like that. And i'm sure i'll have something interesting to write....tomorrow...
