Wednesday, July 19, 2006

There's a special place in the rhubarb fields underneath the leaves

So what has happened since the last post????

I seriously don't even know where to start.

Um....I lost my job at VHQ...well technically i quit without notice. But it was really their fault because they shut down my location without telling anyone. Seriously...three days notice, that HAS to be against some law. Apparently it's not because they gave us the option of a transfer, i still think it's bull. And i got blamed for breaking a shelf which i DIDN'T do! I wasn't even over there....but whatever, i let Scrunchie and the Goblin yell at me for a good 45 minutes. And for the record i could give a shit if you tell 'Mr. Webster', whoever the fuck that is.

Um Blair got me a new job. At the pool concession. Originally i thought it would be at George Ward, apparently i was mistaken and it's at Riversdale.

Yes that's right.....

Riversdale....also known as teh Westside BathHouse....or if you're in a really bad mood you can call it the Indian Ocean like I do.

For the record the longer i work there the more discriminatory i become. Yeah i get called a racist, and a white bitch...and a whole range of differing insults at least 4 times a shift. And you'd think it would be from punk kids....oh no it's's adults....adn grandparents, and the twelve year old pregnant girls.


Thank God my last day is on Sunday.....

I'm rewatching Buffy which is helping my mood.

I leave for Europe right away which is also pretty exciting other than the fact that our plans are sketchy at best.

I mean, i probably don't have enough money saved up because ever since Beth got a job at HMV all I can think about is buying movies and such....

Um....I'm a huge geek so i catalogued all my movies and comics....i have more of both than i thought i did.

Um..........I helped paint my sisters new house against my better judgement.

I went through the incredibly pinful registration process for school. WHich i DON'T want to go back top, in case anyone forgot. And i didn't get like three of my classes because PAWS sucks ass. (And i say like three because it was really only two and a tutorial, i havent turned that blonde yet).

What else is there.....went to the zoo....went to ruckers...went bowling like four times. bowling rules by the way.

I don't know....i'm tapped.

BOWIE!QUOTE:ON BEING FIFTY - "Fab. But, you know, I don't feel fifty. I feel not a day over forty-nine. It's incredible. I'm bouncy, I feel bouncy"