Saturday, December 30, 2006

There's lots more things to do

I'm pretty much a happy camper. This might have something to do with the Ortiz/Liddell fight coming on soon. Or maybe the fact that I'm housesitting so I have a reason to ditch the family whenever I feel like. Okay, to be perfectly honest it's because I got the best e-mail ever. Three words: I'm not dead.
And while this may seem like a weird e-mail to get, I enjoyed it thoroughly. Then of course I got the other e-mail, the batch e-mail that was sent to everyone. I hate those. If you're going to e-mail me, I like being the only recipient. Thus the three worded e-mail. Happy camper.
As for the whole Christmas thing, I have to admit I was pretty disappointed. I mean, why do I make a list every year if no one gets me anything off of it. This does not include everyone of course. My siblings are awesome when it comes to gifts, probably because they sort of like me sometimes. And my friends are usually on the proverbial ball. The rest of the family however. Disappointed. Is Disney Scene-It really too much to ask for? I mean, I shopped around for it so I could relay the cheapest place to buy it. I did all the freakin' work. But no. I got a calender. That's it. That's all. And yeah, I am acting like a spoiled brat but seriously.
On the upside, I got a sweet popcorn maker. It had come in very very handy.
And a new hard drive. Which is also handy. Go team Spoiled.

Okay I'm done, I'll bitch about the world on online ordering later.

BOWIE!QUOTE: I think it all comes back to being very selfish as an artist. I mean, I really do just write and record what interests me and I do approach the stage shows in much the same way.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Merry Christmas Fuckers.

no, i'm not dead.
just studying.
i have a new review coming up sometime soon.
i've been busy at my other journal, posting left and right. because i rock like that.

in case i don't get back to this....merry christmas fuckers.

BOWIE!QUOTE: Sometimes you stumble across a few chords that put you in a reflective place.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Dance the night away by karchan85
What you Look like
The MusicThe Music in your Head