Friday, February 26, 2010

Say A Little Prayer

Our Father, who art in Canada Hockey Place, hockey be thy name. Thy will be done, GOLD to be WON on ICE as well as IN THE STANDS. Give us this day our hockey sticks and forgive us our penalties as we forgive those who crosscheck against us. Lead us not into elimination, but deliver us to victory, in the name of the fans, CANADA, and the holy puck..AMEN!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

This is why I love internet.

The Who's Baba O'Rielly done by only things that exist on ThinkGeek? that exists.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

I love the Internet

Part of why I love the internet is that I can randomly remember things I loved from my childhood and relive them. Like this little gem:

And yes, I still know all the words.