Wednesday, January 10, 2007

It's only 5 o'clock, and we're not tired yet case anyone has been wondering what's been up.

My computer hates me. No jokes. Right now I'm writing from the university. But yeah, Windows crashed (again). So i had to reformat my computer. Luckily Brett was there to help. But for those of you who don't know......reformatting your computer means everything you ahev on your C drive gets deleted. And although I have a brand spankin' new external harddrive I wasn't even a third of the way done backing up my shit. So that meant that two thirds of everything on my C drive was going to be this point i was crying on the inside.....then we tried to take my computer apart. Literally. We took my computer apart into several little pieces.....Dell sucks by the way because you can't jsut life off the bottom. So that failed. Then we were going to try an install Windows on a different partition. I didn't know you could ahve partitions on your hard drive...then only excuse i haev for that is that i'm a girl. Cliched or not, that's my excuse. That didn't work either. And Windows wouldn't install on my external hard drive because Windows is a bastard. By this time it's been almost two hours of Brett wracking his brain trying to figure out what the hell to do.
We went on the's a handy tool.
We found out how to get the hard drive out of the computer, it's seriously more complicated than it sounds i promise. So he took my harddrive and did some computer voodoo, and managed to put my hard drive in his computer so that he could download everything onto my external hard drive, his name is Otto.
So then once everything was on my external hard drive we deleted the little laptop harddrive (Billybob). Then reinstalled windows. WE watched Space Jam too. But now i don't have any of the drivers for my laptop. So we spent another half hour trying to figure out what the hell came with my computer. Then dwonloading the right drivers, because while i'm sure my computer came with a disk....i have no idea where the hell it would be. I'm that organized. so now i have to try and remember what the hell Dave, my moms tech guy from work, did to our computers to allow us onto the internet.
The point of this entire rant is back up your shit. And soemtimes it's a good thing that professors hadn out readings and handouts. Because when your computer crashes and you can't get onto the sucks. A lot.
Plus my computer is set up so that if it ever crashes again everythign will be safe. I made a new harddrive partition. Don't ask me how. But i did.
And I finally got the rest of Beth's Christmas present so i don't feel like such a dick.
OH and I turn 21 on Friday. Which I'm not too psyched about, but I will be at Whiskey Jacks all night so everyone should come and sing me kareoke......preferably something from the 80's, and i like when it's offkey. Seriously, it amkes it better.
All fo this has made em decide that I'm not going to class. I have to brave the shitty ass weather and go home and fix my computer because I have to download everythign again. Like antivirus shit....and limewire....and other things to help me steal.
Random thought...what is in the Anarchist's Cookbook? I mean....other than bomb shit. I'm curious.
As for English class is getting better, I like learning about trashy dime novels. Um...My social control class, whcih is starting right now, is.....decent. I wanted to learn about crazy people. That's cool though, the prof is pretty cool. He sounds like donald sutherland. My Roman Civilization class, which i was told would be easy.....isn't. IT's a lot of reading, and all of it's online, needless to say I haven't got a alot done. My Art History class is good, the teacher is a crazy bitch, think Samantha from Sex and ther City if she had Charlotte's job. And she's all over the place, so my notes are insane, but it'll be cool.
Okay i'm done, and going home.

i don't have my Bowie quotes with me.....

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