Saturday, February 21, 2009

Red Carpet Magistrate

Tomorrow is the greatest day of the year. It's my Christmas and Hunnukah and whatever other religious holiday wrapped into one. Yes ladies and gentlemen, it's Oscar night.

For those who don't know the Academy Awards trump all of my other obsessions. They trump comics and music and writing and fic and everything...I'd say movie but they sort of are movies...and I'd say Angelina Jolie but she's always there. ANYWAY...

So every year I throw an Oscar party. I can't remember the first one I threw. It was when I was young. Point is now I'm in charge. We have the same crowd every year: My younger cousin Danica, her mom Carolyn, my dad's cousin Brenda, my mom's best friend Sheryl, my sisters friend Kelly, my sister, my mom, me, and Beth. Beth is ditching us this year in favour of being on the other side of the country.

We gather in my basement, which I tend to fave year was still when we dressed Buzz Lightyear in drag...ANYWAYS...we gather in the basement with food and ballots and sit and watch the whole thing.

I am aware that I'm the only one who takes it seriously. Most everyone else is more interested in what everyone is wearing than in who wins...and more importantly who deserves to win because they rarely coincide...the Lord of the Rings fiasco comes to mind.

The person who gets the most predictions right, also known as me, gets a prize and bragging rights for the whole year.

This year? Themed pizzas. That's right I have a pizza for Slumdog Millionaire, Frost/Nixon, the Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Milk, The Reader, and Doubt ('cause its the Streep). Have I gone overboard? yes, absolutely. But delicious pizzas are the result. Two sweet pizzas (dessert pizzas) and four savoury pizzas. I'm stoked. Everything is chopped and prepped and awesome.

As for my picks...this year I'm keeping them quiet. I've topped off at 42 out of the 50 movies nominated, two in foreign languages without subtitles...but I couldn't get a hold of the shorts. Still, it's four more than last year.

I'm stoked. I dunno if you can tell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i did NOT ditch!!!!!!! i just can't afford to come home!!!!!

also... i do remember that it was, in fact, me who won in the year of the transgender buzz.

note: i hate people who talk through the acceptance speeches and the memorial. and i hated not being there.